Who cannot have a microblading or permanent makeup treatment
- People suffering from conjunctivitis or other pathologies of the eyes.
- Serious allergies (ink, soap, disinfectant, etc.).
- Progressive skin diseases.
- Infectious and viral diseases (HIV).
- Heart problems, severe hepatic renal failure.
- Congenital immune deficiency.
- Insulin-dependent diabetes.
- People who have problems healing.
- People who have received organ transplants.
- People who have a pacemaker.
- People who have had recent injections (botox, juvederm, etc.). It is mandatory to wait 3 weeks.
- Currently receiving treatment for accutane or acid vitamin A.
- Pregnant or breastfeeding women.
- People taking anticoagulants (coumadin, etc.)
- People with cold sores should take a treatment (Abreva, etc.) before the procedure. We cannot pigment if there are cold sores or if the lips are very dry.
- Beauty marks and recent scars.
- People who have a sunburn.
Instructions for optimal results before your treatment
- No aspirin, alcohol or marijuana 24 hours before the procedure.
- Do not take coffee 2 hours before the procedure.
- Do not come to the appointment on an empty stomach.
- No tanning or sun 1 week before the procedure.
- Avoid the presence of children, friends or animals during the procedure.
- Remove all your makeup.
- Do not be menstruated.
- Remove eyelash extensions for permanent eyeliner.
- Make sure lips are hydrated (and not chapped) and that no cold sores are present for permanent makeup on lips.
Instructions for optimal results after your treatment
- Touch the treated area as little as possible for 7 days. For eyebrows and lips, wash the treated area with a fragrance-free soap (Dove, etc.) gently after 24 hours and then every day. For eyes, wash the area with water and a clean cotton swab gently after 24 hours and then every day. Apply a very thin layer of the healing cream (Webber, emu oil, etc.) every 5 hours for 7 days (using a clean cotton swab).
- Eyebrows: Apply an unscented Aveeno cream morning and evening for one month or more after the first 7 days have passed.
- Lips: Apply an unscented Nivea blue lip balm morning and evening for one month or more after the first 7 days have passed.
- Do not drink alcohol for 24 hours after the procedure.
- Avoid sports that make your face sweat for 7 days after the procedure.
- During the procedure the skin may swell slightly. Apply a cold compress on the treated surface for 5-10 minutes, 2-3 times daily.
- Crusts can be present between 5 and 7 days after the procedure. Do not scratch! You risk an infection and you remove the pigment. Let them heal in a natural way. You can always talk to your general doctor about a healing ointment. Always apply it with a clean cotton swab. As long as the crusts are present, do not apply makeup or other products on the treated area apart from the healing cream.
- No sauna, spa, steam room, swimming pool, sea, whirlpool, tanning salon, sun or Jacuzzi for 2 weeks after the procedure.
- Always apply total sun protection to the treated surface before exposing yourself to the sun and the tanning salon.
- No depigmentation products, peels, scrubs, glycolic acid, etc. until the final result, between 6-8 weeks after the last touch-up.
- Never do microdermabrasion, peels, laser or any other treatment that could depigment directly on the treated area.
- Eyes and eyebrows: Wait to dye your eyelashes, eyebrows and hair and for eyelashes extensions and lash lifts up to 5 weeks after the last touch-up.
- Lips: Eat at ease, take your time, try drinking with a straw, do not use toothpaste with a product to whiten teeth (peroxide) for one week after the procedure.
These important instructions are part of the care after your procedure for which you are responsible. Failure to follow or following these instructions in part may influence the shape, result and the colour of the treated surface. If you follow the instructions, you can achieve an optimal result for your permanent makeup, micropigmentation or microblading. The final result: 4-5 weeks after the last touch-up.